Le Rosey Le Classique(罗勒)


一个扭曲的通才营地。通过您选择的早间学院专注于一个领域。练习您已经喜爱的运动和艺术,并从下午提供的 30 项活动中尝试一些新的东西。与来自 50 个不同国家的 300 名学生一起享受周末出游和晚间娱乐活动。




历险记, 艺术与电影, 英语, 法语, 语言, 领导力与创新, 运动的


8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15


7 JULY – 25 JULY 2025 / 29 JULY – 16 AUGUST 2025




CHF 12,500




1180 罗尔,瑞士


生活在一个国际化和多元文化的环境中(78 个国家),从一种语言切换到另一种语言就像数“一、二、三”一样容易。享受令人叹为观止的风景,无论是在湖边还是在瑞士阿尔卑斯山,都可以参加我们广泛的运动和短途旅行。在我们充满未来感的 Paul & Henri Carnal Hall,在 Rolle 培养您的艺术天赋、戏剧技巧和音乐能力。


在为期四个星期的训练营中,选择以下学院之一进行专攻。每天早上有 2 个 75 分钟的时段:

  • LANGUAGE (English or French) With an average class size of 12 students grouped by level according to the placement test done upon arriving at the camp. Please note that Language Academies are not suitable for native speakers.
  • MULTISPORTS For the truly sporty; practise and perfect many different individual and team sports. This Academy is limited to 45 students.
  • VISUAL ARTS For the more artistically-inclined; develop your artistic skills, explore ideas and focus on creativity with new machinery, new techniques and different media. This Academy is limited to 20 students.


From 13 years old:

  • CULINARY ARTS Build good eating habits, develop your culinary creativity, practise your chef skills, discover fresh products with different tastes, learn to prepare sweet and savoury recipes. This Academy is limited to 12 students.
  • DIGITAL CREATIVITY Give your creativity a digital boost with this introductory course into all things tech-enabled: shooting and editing photos, videos, and drone footage; creating digital illustrations; understanding the basics of 3D animation. Cover a wide range of software from Photoshop to Premiere Pro, After Effects, Procreate and Blender. Let your creativity fly! This Academy is limited to 12 students.
  • LEADERSHIP Hands-on workshops in self-defence, public speaking, non-verbal communication, physical expression & dance, critical thinking, as well as outdoor challenges and expeditions in nature to embark on your journey to personal success. Students should have a good command of the English language (equivalent or similar to CEFR B1/IELTS 4.0-5.0/TOEFL 42-71). This Academy is limited to 30 students.
  • TECH Learn. Code. Create! Our tech wizards will guide you through three main modules: coding, robotics and 3-D design to create your own project and learn how to creatively use the latest technology. This Academy is limited to 15 students.


During the camp, students will leave the campus with their classmates to experience, a sporty adventure in the Swiss Alps, a visit to cultural institutions and the joys of water sports on the lake.


从以下选项中选择 7 项:射箭、羽毛球、篮球、陶艺、创意艺术、数码摄影、健身训练、足球、嘻哈、骑马、室内攀岩、综合运动(棒球、飞盘、曲棍球、橄榄球) ), 航海运动(帆船、立式划桨)、泳池活动、机器人技术、网球、尾流滑水和尾流冲浪、滑水、瑜伽、尊巴舞。

